1 Corinthians 1:22-25; 2:2
- Do you ever think about or talk about the crucifixion with your fellow Christians? How does it come up in conversation? Do you feel comfortable hearing about or talking about it?
- Do you ever think or talk about the crucifixion with non-Christians? How does it come up in conversation? Do you feel comfortable talking about it in this setting? Do you feel shame? Pride? Joy?
- What worldly parts of life do you feel limit your Christian walk? What behaviours, mindsets, or priorities especially - make you feel like it is hard to walk by faith in Jesus Christ?
- Where is God asking you to do hard work in your life in Christ - a place where you might want to take the easy, or short cut? Is it in avoiding a conversation you should have? Is it in finding quick or easy answers rather than wrestling with uncomfortable questions? Is it by avoiding time alone with your thoughts - finding ways and means to keep yourself from private prayer time to really encounter yourself in his presence? How might God be asking you to face the true path where it looks like it might be the harder path?
- Off the Wall: Is there an image or art piece of Jesus on the cross that is meaningful for you? Have you ever tried to look for an extended period of time at a crucifixion piece? If you are able, take some time to sit and contemplate an art piece on the crucifixion.