
1 Peter 1:13-16; 2:1-10
  1. Where in your life have you felt that you were unholy, or unworthy? Have you ever felt out of place, as though you did not qualify to be where you were?
  2. What does it feel like, when someone crosses over that worthy/unworthy boundary and invites you in - even though you were unworthy? Can you share a time when that happened to you?
  3. Do you feel that God has invited you in to participate in his holiness? Do you sense and know his forgiveness and his adoption of you? Reflect on that a little bit, journal, confess and ask for forgiveness and then receive his forgiveness.
  4. Where in your life do you have a feeling of inability to reach out to someone else, because of who they are or what they have done? Where do you sense that it is too hard to reach out to someone because they are so other, or, they are disgusting, or they are immoral, or they are too dangerous? We are not called to reach out to everyone, and while God does at times call us into danger he does not call us to be foolish. At this point, just recognize where in your life there might be a holy/unholy division that you are reinforcing, potentially. Is there a person or people group that you avoid or try not to interact with?
  5. Off the Wall: What image or media is disgusting to you, but not to other people? How does that make you feel about them? Do you transfer some of that disgust on to your feelings about those people?