1. How has Jesus enlightened you? What enlightenment, or shining of his light into your life do you still seek?
2. How might you be resistant to his light shining? Is there areas of your life that you are wishing were hidden from him? From others?
Virtue Pair Questions: Hospitality and Generosity
3. As a child of God, heir to his gifts - how can you be generous with what grace he has given you? Think of grace God has given you, as one of his children. How might you share that grace with someone else?
4. God welcomes those who previously rejected him or did not know him. How might you be welcoming to people who reject him or do not know him?
5. Off the Wall: Is there a picture or painting you know of that makes you think of fatherhood as an ideal teacher or enlightener? What image do you think of when you think of a father who enlightens or teaches? What would that look like?