Matthew 28:16-20
- Think about your comfort and security - is it attached to any particular authority? What authorities do you grant that you learn from in your life?
- In order to function in this world we need to rely on others and grant authority where it is deserved. How can we rely on Jesus and his authority appropriately while respecting science as a gift of God, medical professionals as a gift of God, and so on? How do you view the relationship between Jesus and the other authorities in your life?
- Discipleship is done by two things - baptism, and teaching to follow the commands of Jesus. How have you participated in disciplemaking before? Tell your small group a story of how you have participated in disciplemaking as defined by baptism and teaching.
- How might you participate in disiplemaking? What opportunities do you need to be able to participate? How can the church as a whole support you and give you space to participate?
- Off the Wall: Jesus is with you even now. If you could experience Jesus with you, what would it look like? What is your dream image of Jesus, with you? How would he be present to you? Take a moment and just sketch that, just a simple line drawing - what would it look like if Jesus was present with you.